I invite You to look at the World through the eyes of an Artist, through the Colourful Inner Jungle of my Soul...

I was born 1960 in Cairo (Egypt), was quite a strong-willed wild child and couldn't fit in my culture, naturally was thinking differently and did things the way I felt, was the “revolutionary” one in my family. Yes, sadly you suffer being like this in our society - but you never regret being yourself. 

Basically, I had a real Life of an Artist from the beginning. 

I moved to Spain at 18 as my mother is Spanish and I am living here ever since. 

Art has always been with me, for me Art is Life in all its shapes, forms and dimensions.  It is a way to Be, to Live. It is the juice of Life, it is the Medicine of diseases, the potion of health. 
I am a Street Artist, Wild and Free in my Nature, not bound to the norms, standards and do things my Way. I live in the Moment and day by day. 

Haven't worked a day in an official regular job, I asked Life and God to provide me and my 6 children with all that was needed and it so happened. My Values and character led me to a nickname -  Don Quijote. 

Recently I have found a word that resonates with me while describing my Artwork - Ether Art. I like it to be called Psychedelic, but I do not like to put frames/boundaries on Art,  it can be described as Visionary, Spiritualism.

I could say The Art is not "created by me" , it is happening and flowing through me. It's an individual inner process, “Who and What” I am naturally flows from my boundless & free feelings, from my personal connection to the Universe and Nature. 

In my Art you can see a lot of symbolism, it comes from the invisible space and it's complex - it might seem that symbols are hidden, but in Reality the Art reveals itself to the viewer when there is a connection between the two.  

In my Artwork there is no wrong way to interpret it, there is only Your Unique way, What you see is for You. My Art speaks directly… As we do change - the way you see my Art can change the very next moment…


1990 - to date

Exhibitions in non-traditional venues

Restaurants, Small local Shops

I have my Artwork in some Restaurants and Local Shops here in Spain and France. Art changes and transforms the Spaces. It gives a whole new feeling, vibration and experience, I truly think Art should be in all spaces possible, it should brighten and lighten up our days, bring us Liveness, Connection and Open our Hearts.

1985 - to date

Marketplaces & Art fairs

Malaga / Marbella / France

Basically each week people can find me in various marketplaces in Spain, I was attending quite a few Art fairs and I truly enjoy seeing and connecting with people. This experience truly enriches you as a person and at the same time as an Artist.


1985 - to date

Street Art - The Street Life Academy

Spain & Europe

I believe one of the best educators in Life is the Real Life itself, the one that you see daily simply on the Street. I am a street Artist and learned to paint, draw, create Art by myself. Well, not by myself - Life, God and people that I have met taught me all that I know until now. I am truly grateful for all the Experiences.