Freedom is the Essence of Life And Art is Life

1 June - 2024

Recently I was contemplating by myself about Freedom and What is it for Me… It seems that this word represents so much… It's like it is in the background of all areas in Life somehow.. We can sometimes call the sensation as Peace or Harmony, as Creativity, being yourself and I would say Love. 

For me - Love needs space, it needs air,  it needs to be free and boundless to flourish and be in it's most beautiful colours. The creator and creativity comes and flows from the space of Freedom… Without any standards, frames, “how's and do's” - it simply comes and takes you over allowing you to experience what it is to be an Artist.. What it is to create and in the end what is the meaning of this Life if not to create the Way you see it and feel it in your Heart?.. Intuition is the language that can guide you towards your Heart, thus towards Your Unique expression and Freedom. Let it be, let's Live and be!